Orikam Neoalgin Aliginate Impression material Normal Setting (450 gm)

  • Availability: In Stock
  • Brand: Orikam
  • Category: Alginate Powder, IMPRESSION MATERIAL, Denture Base Material,
Availability: In Stock

Neoalgin is a high-precision alginate impression material for detailed reproduction of dental impressions. Neoalgin is a dust free alginate, with normal working & setting time and is indicated for removable prothesis, study models, antagonists in the fixed and removable prosthesis. It exhibits fast absorption of water and enhances the ease of mix....

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Neoalgin is a high-precision alginate impression material for detailed reproduction of dental impressions.

Neoalgin is a dust free alginate, with normal working & setting time and is indicated for removable prothesis, study models, antagonists in the fixed and removable prosthesis. It exhibits fast absorption of water and enhances the ease of mix. The final mix of the impression material is a homogenous mass with smooth and compact surfaces. The impression can be stored for a long time before pouring the casts. This is a high-flow alginate which is injectable. Neoalgin has simple and fast mixing properties with a normal setting. Neoalgin exhibits excellent thixotropic properties. The Spearmint flavour increases patient comfort while making the impressions.

Indications :

  • Removable prosthesis
  • Study models
  • Temporary crown & bridges impression
  • Antagonist models in the fixed and removable prosthesis

Advantages :

  • Elastic impression
  • Optimum dimensional stability
  • High precision for detailed reproduction of dental anatomy

Note :

  • Warm water and hard water accelerates the setting time
  • Cold water retards the setting time.

Features :

  • Colour change pattern: Non-chromatic (no colour change)
  • Sky blue colour
  • Spearmint flavor for high acceptance
  • Dust-free formulation
  • Thixotropic
  • Normal working and setting time
  • Simple and fast mixing without bubbles
  • Suitable for manual or automatic mixing
  • Safe disinfection

Packing :

  • 1 x Neoalgin Alginate Impression Material - 450gm.